Arisia ’24: The Doomsday Machine

At the 2024 Arisia science-fiction convention, the Post-Meridian Radio Players presented our gender-swapped look at the classic Star Trek episode “The Doomsday Machine”, directed and adapted by Liz Salazar from the original script by Norman Spinrad. (For information on Arisia, go to

Investigating a distress call from the USS Constellation, Captain Jane Kirk finds it dead in space with the commanding officer, Commodore Decker, alone on board with a harrowing tale of a giant planet-killing device. With Captain Kirk stranded on the broken-down starship and a distraught Decker bent on revenge, can the crew of the Enterprise survive their encounter with the planet killer and stop it from continuing its destruction?


There was one Arisia performance on Friday, January 12, 2024, at 10 PM at The Westin Boston Seaport.

Reprisal performances will occur on June 7th and 8th, 2024.

Cast and crew

Directed and adapted by Liz Salazar
from the original Star Trek script by celebrated science-fiction author Norman Spinrad.
Produced by Caitlin Mason, Karen Sarao, and Kitty Drexel
Stage-managed by Kitty Drexel
Captain Jane T. Kirk ..... Karen Sarao
Commodore Decker ..... Robin Abrahams
Ms. Spock ..... Adria Kyne
Doctor McCoy ..... Catherine Bromberg
Ms. Scott ..... The Honorable Rose Martin
Lieutenant Sulu ..... Naomi Ibasitas
Lieutenant Uhura ..... Michael Lewis
Ensemble ..... Joye Thaller
Foley ..... Amelia Smith