A reprise of PMRP's successful performance at Arisia '11 on January 14th, 2011

THE POST-MERIDIAN RADIO PLAYERS present two FUND-RAISING encore performances of their highly-successful Arisia ’11 staged radio play based on the long-running BBC sci-fi TV series!
About the Show
Suffering Shuggoths!
The Roaring Twenties have just begun! Flappers! Gin joints! Deep Ones? A newly-regenerated Doctor joins forces with a struggling, nightmare-plagued writer by the name of Lovecraft to investigate attacks in Boston by monstrous creatures. Who is this eccentric Professor Whiteman who appears to be behind it all? What is the secret of the Professor's amazing chair that can seemingly cure the insane? What truly goes on inside the Miskatonic Gentlemen's Club? What will happen to the world, and every living being on it, when C'thulhu rises?
PMRP tries its hand at something completely different. For years, Doctor Who fans have been making their own adventures in the form of audio dramas. Until recently, it's been a phenomenon almost unique to the series. In fact, when PMRP was first being formulated, its primary focus was going to be the production of a series of Doctor Who audios. In honor of that original intent, we are proud to present our very first (but hopefully not the last!) Doctor Who episode. But it's not just any old Doctor Who story...
Legacy of the Time War: We all know that the new series of Doctor Who adventures which came to our screens in 2005 picked up shortly after the Eighth Doctor's regeneration into the Ninth. Throughout the new series we've learned that the Eighth Doctor made some difficult choices in order to end the long and bloody Time War between his own people, the Time Lords, and the ruthless hordes of the Daleks. In the end, his choices resulted in peace, but it was achieved only with the destruction of both races.
What if something had gone wrong? What if something different had happened? What if someone had interfered with Time and triggered the Doctor's regeneration earlier than it was meant to be?
Sometimes the most amazing stories begin with “What if...?”
“Starship of Madness” is the beginning of just such a story...

The Doctor | ..... | Andy Hicks |
Violet Brooks | ..... | Alyssa Osiecki |
Professor Whiteman | ..... | Ron Lacey |
H.P. Lovecraft* | ..... | Rob Noyes (Fri) Andy Lebrun (Sat) |
Faith Parker | ..... | Mindy Klenoff |
Franklin Pabodie | ..... | Tom Champion |
The Deep Ones | ..... | Michael McAfee Brad Smith |
*SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to prior actor commitments, the role of H.P. Lovecraft will be played by Rob Noyes during the Friday night show and by Andy Lebrun during the Saturday matinee.
Technical Crew
Lead Sound Designers | ..... | Alicia Goranson Neil Marsh |
Sound Design Assistants | ..... | Paul Dworkin Zahra Kahn |
Digital FX Programming & Music Board Operator |
..... | Neil Marsh |
Sound Board Operator | ..... | Briavaell O'Reilly |
Costume Designer | ..... | Renée Johnson |
Program Designer | ..... | Neil Marsh |
Ad Designers | ..... | Neil Marsh Julia Tenney |
House & Merchandise Manager | ..... | Chris DeKalb |
Additional Stage Crew | ..... | TBA |
Doctor Who Theme | ..... | Ron Grainer |
Theme Arrangement | ..... | Neil Marsh Based on Murray Gold's 2005 arrangement |
Incidental Music | ..... | Murray Gold Ben Foster John Debney From the Doctor Who and Torchwood soundtracks |
Production Staff
Director Writer |
..... | Alicia E. Goranson |
Technical Director | ..... | Neil Marsh |
Producer | ..... | Chris DeKalb |
Performance Dates
Friday, March 25th, 2011 @ 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Saturday, March 26th, 2011 @ 3:00pm - 4:30pm (matinee)
Urban Promise Church of Somerville
204 Elm Street
Somerville, MA
View Urban Promise Church of Somerville in a larger map
Arisia 2011-Dr. Who: The Starship of Madness from sydweinstein on Vimeo.