Sadly, due to HVAC problems at the Waltham Public Library, all events there have had to be cancelled this weekend, and we can no longer perform “The Final Problem”. However, the rest of Watch City Steampunk Festival is still happening, and PMRP very much encourages you still to attend. I have it on good authority that Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, both of whom are good friends of PMRP, will be perambulating the festival, and as the Festival is a free event, they will be waiving their usual fee, should you have any mysteries that need investigation.
At noon on Saturday, May 13th, as part of the Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham, PMRP will be reprising had hoped to reprise our original adaptation of “The Final Problem”. In what Arthur Conan Doyle intended to be his last Sherlock Holmes story, the detective battles his most famous adversary, the infamous Professor Moriarty. (We originally performed “The Final Problem” as part of our summer show Moriarty’s Mysteries in 2018.)
This performance will was to be at 12pm at the Waltham Public Library’s lecture hall, at 735 Main Street in Waltham. See this page (scroll down to “Schedule for 2023” and then scroll inside the embedded window) for the full schedule of events. Attendance is free.