THE POST-MERIDIAN RADIO PLAYERS will be re-creating Arch Oboler's lost Lights Out! episode “Chicken Heart” as part of Chicken Hearts & Other Parts: a Hallowe’en-themed fundraiser for local filmmaker Chelsea Spear. The cast includes a team of 15 actors providing voices for 32 characters, and two live effects artists who will utilize everything from a stainless steel mixing bowl and a lunch box to a hand-held sewing machine and a vat of gelatin to convince the audience that a chicken's heart is, indeed, devouring the world around them.
The Atlantis Affair: A live sci-fi/horror tragicomic radio drama, by local writer/director Alex Feinman, about the surreal encounters of a Boston-based computer programmer and his companions with the mysterious. Performed by members of Silicon Theatre.
Erasure: A reading by local author Jennifer Pelland of her original short story about a woman struggling to understand who she is after her memories of a traumatic experience have been erased—and the dangers she now faces.
Chicken Heart: The PMRP re-create this lost episode from the classic radio series, Lights Out!, written by Arch Oboler in 1937 and immortalized decades later by Bill Cosby in one of his most famous comedy routines.
Improv PoetryProse: Horrific dreamtellings woven by nationally-recognized voice artist Lindsay Ellison, based on the books at hand and topics and images suggested by the audience.
The Unhappy Medium: Screening of a segment from local filmmaker Chelsea Spear's current project, The Ballad of Burd Janet. A re-telling of the Celtic folktale Tam Lin, set in New England of the 1920s.
Performance Date
Friday, October 14th, 2005 @ 8:00pm
First Congregational Church of Somerville
89 College Avenue
(4 blocks up from Davis Square T-Station)
Cast & Crew
Silicon Theatre:
“The Atlantis Affair”
John | ..... | Alex Bradley |
Ray | ..... | Jason McIntosh |
Opher | ..... | Dan Ritter |
Suzanne | ..... | Elizabeth Lear |
The DJ | ..... | Dante Blando |
Announcer | ..... | James 'Kibo' Parry |
Live Effects | ..... | Tom Arena Chris DeKalb |
Director | ..... | Alex Feinmann |
Sound/ Triggered Effects |
..... | Neil Marsh |
The Post-Meridian Radio Players:
“Chicken Heart”
Frank Martin Army Captain |
..... | James 'Kibo' Parry |
Arch Oboler | ..... | Neil Marsh |
Mrs. Halop Busybody Woman |
..... | Jennifer Pelland |
Secretary | ..... | Renée Johnson |
Dr. Atkins Civil Defense Radio Announcer |
..... | Dante Blando |
Sam | ..... | Masha Sten-Clanton |
Mr. Rosen The Mayor Firechief |
..... | Alex Feinman |
Street Cop Army Lieutenant |
..... | Masha Sten-Clanton |
Police Captain | ..... | Tom Arena |
Additional Voices | ..... | Renni Boy Samantha Wilkinson |
Foley/FX Artists | ..... | Tom Arena Chris DeKalb |
Director | ..... | Neil Marsh |
Other Show Credits
Live Effects Construction: Wood & Metal Devices |
..... | Ron Brian |
Live Effects Construction: Electronic Devices |
..... | Rich Macchi |
Poster Design | ..... | Gilly Rosenthol Neil Marsh |
Publicity | ..... | Ari Herzog |
Box Office | ..... | Elizabeth Hunter |
House Manager | ..... | Jason Merrill |
Concessions | ..... | Beckie Hunter Rebecca Dowgiert |
Ushers | ..... | Gilly Rosenthol Ari Herzog |
Press Release

Neil Marsh (front left) and Kibo (front right) as Arch Oboler and Frank Martin,
performing the introduction to Chicken Heart.
Still image by Ian Tosh

Rob Noyes (left) and Michael McAfee (right) as Dr. Alberts and Mr. Lewis,
performing the first scene of Chicken Heart.
Still image by Ian Tosh

A stage-wide shot of Scene 1 of Chicken Heart Still image by Ian Tosh

Chris DeKalb (left) and Tom Arena (right) performing a crucial FX sequence
for Chicken Heart.
Still image by Ian Tosh