Submitted by Jay on

For the final installment in our The Summer of Mystery, we present Lady Molly of Scotland Yard and Mary in an adaptation by an adaptation by Jeremy Holstein and Elizabeth Salazar of “The Fordwych Castle Mystery”, by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
In this adventure, Lady Molly and Mary are called in to solve the brutal murder of an Indian woman at Fordwych Castle. A long hidden family secret will soon be revealed!
Our show will stream on YouTube on Friday, August 27, and Saturday, August 28, both at 8pm. The stream is free to view, but we'd love it if you’d make a donation so we can keep producing these shows.
(Baroness Orczy is best known as the author of The Scarlet Pimpernel, which we adapted in 2015 as part of our Spring Adventure Specatacular).